Data Licensing

Legal documents
Capella Standard Terms and Conditions
The Capella Space Standard Terms and Conditions outlines the standard terms when working with Capella Space.
End User License Agreement (EULA)
Capella End User License Agreement- Single Organization
The Capella Space End User License Agreement- Single Organization outlines the end user license agreement terms applicable to single organizations with Capella Space. Please contact Capella Legal if your usage extends to more than one organization. Link the Capella Legal to email:
Evaluation Agreement
The Evaluation Agreement describes the terms for using the Capella Console and API.
United States Government License
The licenses for our United States Government (USG) customers are issued by the United States National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) and are available upon request to Capella Legal.
Additional Licenses and Terms
As applicable, the following additional licenses and terms shall apply
- Capella-Aerial Image Collection
All data within the capella-aerial image collection is owned and provided to you by Capella. All data in this collection is licensed to any interested third parties under the Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0). You are free to adapt this data, provided you give appropriate credit to “© Capella Space Corp, All Rights Reserved.”
- Capella-Open-Data Image Collection
All data within the capella-open-data image collection is available under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. You are free to adapt this data, provided you indicate if changes were made and give appropriate credit to “© Capella Space Corp, All Rights Reserved.”
- Unless otherwise attributed, all other content found here is owned and provided to you by Capella.